Occupational Certificate: Community Development Worker

SAQA ID: 97708

Level: 4

Credits: 150

Purpose of the course

The purpose of this qualification is to prepare a learner to operate as a Community Development Worker.

This course will enable you to:

A Community Development Worker collects and provides relevant information from and to communities and builds social cohesion within the community, in order to support the development and implementation of community development initiatives and processes.

A qualified learner will be able to: Collect relevant community information and provide communities with accurate information relevant to their community development initiatives. Operate effectively in groups, teams and forums and act ethically and professionally in data collection and the coordination of forums and meetings. Communicate the fears, concerns and needs of the community effectively to the relevant institutions, structures and forums. Compile integrated community and household profiles.

Course rationale:

A cornerstone for the success of the National Development Plan is the mobilisation of diverse stakeholders at the various levels of society to build momentum towards the creation and implementation of integrated development plans that are aligned with the National Developmental priorities.

Achieving this will require the enormous task of mobilising people within the diverse communities throughout the nation. It is for this reason that there is a desperate need to build the capacity of a cadre of energetic and focused Community Development Workers who will be able to collect information, build relationships and mobilise energies towards specific developmental goals that can be delivered in a conducive and sustainable environment.

The work is being done by volunteers and public servants who have only limited exposure to the long term impacts of a sustainable developmental approach and who lack the broad theoretical basis and specific practical skills required to create real sustainability and focus around the various initiatives.

This qualification will provide the means through which this cadre can be capacitated and it will enable these critical employees to embark on a career path locally and globally. The qualification will provide opportunities for people into entry level types of occupations in the Department of Social Development and with a range of Non-Governmental Organisations. It will also create opportunities for successful learners to enter the private sector in organisations which do community work in terms of the various industry charters.

The learners credited with this qualification would include people interested or involved in community development practice and/or initiatives in one or more of the following sectors: * Traditional, Local, Provincial and Central Government; Social Development.; Youth Development; Education (formal, informal and non-formal); Public Works.; Agriculture; Water Affairs and Forestry; Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment.; Civil Society Organisations (CBOs, NGOs and FBOs, Foundations and Trusts); Corporate Social Responsibility; Co-operatives.

This qualification will help learners improve their understanding of the role and responsibilities of community development workers and will enable them to acquire relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes to operate in an effective and efficient manner within the community development arena.

Learning assumed to be in place and recognition of prior learning

The minimum requirement for entry into this qualification is:

  • NQF Level 2 with communication.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):

RPL for access to the external integrated summative assessment: Accredited providers and approved workplaces must apply the internal assessment criteria specified in the related curriculum document to establish and confirm prior learning. Accredited providers and workplaces must confirm prior learning by issuing a statement of result or certifying a work experience record.

RPL for access to the qualification: Accredited providers and approved workplaces may recognise prior learning against the relevant access requirements.

Exit level outcomes

  1. Collect relevant community information and provide communities with accurate information relevant to their community development initiatives.

  2. Operate effectively in groups, teams and forums and act ethically and professionally in data collection and the coordination of forums and meetings.

  3. Communicate the fears, concerns and needs of the community effectively to the relevant institutions, structures and forums.

  4. Compile integrated community and household profiles.

  5. Identify the capacity challenges of community structures and recommend appropriate interventions to build appropriate capacity.

Qualification rules

This qualification is made up of the following compulsory Knowledge and Practical Skill Modules:

Knowledge Modules:

  • 341201001-KM-01, Fundamentals of Development Practice, at NQF Level 4, 25 Credits.

  • 341201001-KM-02, Fundamentals of Sociology of Developing Societies, at NQF Level 4, 12 Credits.

  • 341201001-KM-03, Fundamental Communication Practices, at NQF Level 4, 15 Credits.

  • Library Administration, NQF Level 5, 8 Credits.

Total number of Credits for Knowledge Modules: 52 Credits.

Practical Skills Modules:

  • 341201001-PM-01, Collect information regarding community development needs and strengths, at NQF Level 3, 11 Credits.

  • 341201001-PM-02, Identify the relevant groups of beneficiaries and stakeholders, at NQF Level 3, 2 Credits.

  • 341201001-PM-03, Participate in collaborative community dialogues and engagements, at NQF Level 4, 3 Credits.

  • 341201001-PM-04, Report progress and status of data collection to supervisor, at NQF Level 4, 2 Credits..

  • 341201001-PM-05, Execute own personal development, at NQF Level 3, 2 Credits.

  • 341201001-PM-06, Support the process of facilitating meetings and forums, at NQF Level 4, 2 Credits.

  • 341201001-PM-07, Arrange and communicate logistics for forums and meetings/events, at NQF Level 3, 2 Credits.

  • 341201001-PM-08, Mobilise community support for identified initiatives, at NQF Level 4, 2 Credits.

  • 341201001-PM-09, Record the minutes of community development forums and meetings, at NQF Level 4, 2 Credits.

  • 341201001-PM-10, Communicate the outcomes of forums and meetings to stakeholders, at NQF Level 4, 2 Credits.

  • 341201001-PM-11, Provide relevant and clear community development information to stakeholders, at NQF Level 4, 2 Credits.

  • 341201001-PM-12, Establish, mobilise and maintain community participation and support, at NQF Level 4, 2 Credits.

  • 341201001-PM-13, Support the identification of capacity building needs and the delivery of capacity building initiatives to community members, at NQF Level 4, 2 Credits.

  • 341201001-PM-14, Support intervention initiatives within communities, at NQF Level 4, 6 Credits.

  • 341201001-PM-15, Support the integration of community wellbeing indicators, at NQF Level 4, 4 Credits.

  • 341201001-PM-16, Support alignment with legislative and policy frameworks relevant to the initiatives, at NQF Level 4, 4 Credits.

Total number of credits for Practical Skill Modules: 50 Credits.

This qualification also requires the following Work Experience Modules:

  • 341201001-WM-01, Exposure to information collection in rural, urban, inner city or peri-urban community settings, at NQF Level 3, 16 Credits.

  • 341201001-WM-02, Exposure to the coordination of a full range of community forums and meetings, at NQF Level 3, 12 Credits.

  • 341201001-WM-03, Exposure to the operations of formal and informal structures, at NQF Level 4, 8 Credits.

  • 341201001-WM-04, Exposure to community capacity building processes, at NQF Level 4, 12 Credits.

Total number of credits for Work Experience Modules: 48 Credits.

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